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Sacred Trees Spiritual Studio for mediumship, past lives and yoga

Past Life



with Brisa

in leiden,


Who is past life therapy for? 

Past life therapy uses a light form of hypnosis to remember subconscious memories of past lives to find out the cause of current life problems.  Find out what past life therapy can do for you!

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My background

I spent my childhood in developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Before I became a past life therapist I worked in international development aid and health care services for 10 years, for the Dutch government and a large consultancy firm. I also have a Masters degree in International Relations from the University of Groningen in the Netherlands.


While working in development aid, I realized that there was also so much misery and unhappiness in my own backyard. It’s not hard to find people that are lonely, angry, depressed, physically sick, or all four combined! Many people find it hard to decide what to do with their life, and feel they have no purpose.


So around my 30th I decided to turn things around and work more intensively and face-to-face with people in my own country. I researched different forms of (psycho)therapy and chose to specialize in past life therapy because it’s provides an holistic perspective on healing and is very effective.


At present I have clients in the Netherlands, Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada and Sweden. I teach Past Life therapy at the Dutch School for Reincarnation Therapy 

past life therapy with

Brisa Keizer

My name is Brisa Keizer and my passion is to help people find their life purpose, to deal with obstacles that stand in the way of reaching their goals and to reconnect with hidden talents from past lives. 


I am a qualified past life therapist from the Netherlands, and I travel with my fiancé and our daughter between Australia, the Netherland, Great Britain, USA and other European countries. We both work from spiritual centres around the world.


I graduated from the Dutch School for Reincarnation Therapy a few years ago, which has a 35 year record of training reincarnation therapists. At this school I followed a two year degree in all aspects of past life therapy (also called regression or reincarnation therapy).



Practical information

Each session takes 1.5 to 2 hours. When you come for the first time we will start with an intake and together we will get a clear sense of the problem and the main themes in your life. The intake also gives us the chance to get to know each other and agree on the way forward. After the intake we decide which type of session would be most beneficial in working with your problem. 

In many cases a problem is rooted in childhood experiences, such as childhood trauma or neglect, in which case the session would be most effective if I regressed you to that period of your life. Often issues about self-confidence are rooted in childhood. 

Sometimes a trauma in adulthood created the tension or disease, such as: grief, divorce, sexual violations, violence, surgeries, etc. I also have experience with relationship counseling, life coaching, fear of death and depression.  I am trained to work in all these areas with a variety of techniques, such as Voice Dialogue, Post Traumatic Stress Relief, Grief Counseling and I use certain aspects of NLP. 

If the cause of a problem can't be found in the current life, we may need to go back further in time to a past life. These past life sessions can give a lot of understanding and release of tension. My clients often say: 'Ah that's why I experienced this in my life!'. 

How many sessions?

Every problem is unique, and every solution has to be unique as well. The minimum number of sessions is two, an intake and a first regression. For some problems this could be enough, for instance for phobia's, traumatic memories, post operation healing work, unexplained minor physical issues, etc. But of course there are many problems which will require multiple sessions, like burnout, relationship problems, depression or addictions, lack of confidence, child abuse, sexual issues.


In a typical therapeutic proces we would have an intake, a session to a childhood trigger, another one to an adult trauma, and a few past life sessions. It's hard to say how many sessions are necessary, as the theme and complexity of problems vary, although after about 4 sessions most people experience significant improvements or transformation. The frequency of sessions also varies between clients, as some prefer once a week, while others prefer once every two weeks, or once a month. For clients that need to travel to see me I can also do multiple sessions within a few days. For the end result this does not matter. 


Please note:

-Our spiritual studio is now located at an abandoned fire station. Gooimeerlaan 25, Leiden. Parking is free. 

- Past life therapy can be complementary to your treatment but can never replace medical care.

- Please do not hesitate to contact me if you would like any further information.

Pricing & Bookings

Sessions are in Dutch or English.


I am currently on maternity leave until October 1st 2023. I am now taking bookings for October. I work on Monday & Tuesday afternoon and Friday morning.


A 1.5-hour session can be booked for 120 euro. The regression sessions can be scheduled from Monday to Friday. 


The easiest way to schedule an appointment is to send me an email  (

Please include the following information: 

  • Briefly describe the problem that you would like to work on. 

  • A day and time of the week that suits you best.

  • Your (private) email address and phone number.

  • Any questions that you may have. 

I will try to get back to you within 48 hours to schedule an appointment. Payment can be either in cash, PayPal or I can send you an invoice by email which you can pay via bank transfer. Please arrive on time and well-rested. Please do not consume alcohol or drugs on the day of the session.


You do not need anything else, besides the willingness to take control of your life!

looking forward to welcoming you!

Sacred Trees Spiritual Studio in Raamste

I work from the Sacred Trees Studio in Leiden, the Netherlands. About once a year I visit Australia (and New Zealand), USA (and Canada) and Sweden to cater to my clients there. 


Gooimeerlaan 252317JZ Leiden, The Netherlands.


There are many public transport options. Parking is free. 


There is no bell, as not to disturb ongoing classes or sessions. Please send me a text message and I will come and get you.

Burnout Therapy & Coaching

I work frequently with clients that seek therapy because of (imminent)burnout or other work related coaching needs.


With burnout coaching & therapy we would focus on: 

  • Regression therapy: treating the cause of mental, emotional or physical problems. 

  • Planning & Time management: structuring life in such a way that you become more resilient for stress.

  • Conflict management: Learning how to create constructive & creative solutions to work related or private conflicts. 


Cost (if paid by employer): 600 euro per month excl. BTW. This includes weekly 2-hour sessions & homework assignments. The invoice will be adjusted if there are holidays, in which case 150 euro excl. BTW will be charged per session. Updates with corporate doctor (bedrijfsarts) are included if needed (although I can't discuss private matters of course). 


what people are saying

It definitely helped

"Thank you so much for the session, it was really amazing. It definitely helped. As soon as we finished I really felt a fundamental change, and have been kind of settling with the change over the last few weeks. I can definitely feel that something has shifted."

- jason - 




+31 6 46030806



Gooimeerlaan 25
2317JZ Leiden
The Netherlands



Thanks for sending you a message! We will get back to you as soon as we can. Have a great day!

My goal as a therapist

I am a hands-on therapist, and my aim is to guide my clients through a series of experiences with ease, to find out where their problem comes from, so that they can solve it themselves and move forward with their life with confidence.

- Brisa Keizer - 

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